Do You Hang Lining Paper Horizontally Or Vertically?

Hanging wallpaper looks simple enough, right? But in reality, there is a knack to it. Lining paper takes even more practice to hang perfectly owing to its thinner nature which can make it much more difficult to work with. But that isn’t to say it’s not something that anyone can do, you just need to make sure you approach it in the right way to get the best finish. One of the most pressing questions regarding this is do you hang lining paper horizontally or vertically?

If you are going to be painting over the top of the lining paper then it really doesn’t matter which way you hang it. However, it is vital to keep in mind that when laying a decorative paper over the top, you MUST hang the lining paper horizontally.

The reason for this is that if you hang it vertically, you are going to have a very hard time lining the top paper up perfectly so you’ll have visible joints underneath. Hanging the lining paper horizontally ensures that the end result is smooth and without any imperfections. 

A technique known as cross-lining is the best approach as this will pretty much guarantee that the two layers of paper do not meet at the same join. If this does happen then the chances of the wallpaper lifting away are very high. Of course, you will need to keep in mind that this is something of a skill and does take some practice to get right. 

You will also need to make sure that you have a raised surface that you can walk across while hanging the paper. This will prevent you from having to constantly move ladders along the wall which can be tricky when trying to hang the paper, not to mention time consuming. 

How Long After Hanging Lining Paper Can You Paint It?

Once you have finished hanging your lining paper, you will need to allow time for the adhesive to dry before you paint over it. This will require some patience as you’ll want to wait at least 24 hours before going anywhere near it with a paintbrush. 

In some cases, you may need to wait a little longer. For example, if the room is particularly damp or cold then waiting up to 48 hours is a good idea as the adhesive will dry more slowly. If you do not leave it for the correct amount of time then you run the risk of the lining paper coming away from the surface once the paint is applied. 

This same timeframe applies when you are wallpapering over your lining paper. 

How Do You Paint Over Lining Paper?

When it comes to painting a wall, lining paper could become your new best friend. You see, most walls in homes have marks, scuffs and other imperfections but short of replastering the entire thing, which can be costly and time consuming, lining paper is the next best option. 

As we have already discussed, it is essential to give the adhesive time to dry before you continue with any decoration. Once this is done, you may notice that some small gaps have formed between the sheets and you can use a filler to smooth these out. Again, you’ll need to wait for this to dry before applying paint. 

Choose a matte emulsion when painting over lining paper as this will ensure a finish that doesn’t show any imperfections. The key is to apply a thin layer and allow this to dry before applying the next one. 

Do You Have To Use Lining Paper Before Wallpapering?

In short, no, you don’t have to use lining paper before applying a decorative wallpaper but the result won’t be as impressive. There’s no reason that you cannot hang wallpaper directly onto the wall and many amateur DIYers are guilty of doing this.

However, having lining paper in place will give you a much better base for your wallpaper to adhere to. What’s more, it’ll create a smoother surface so if there are any imperfections on the wall, these won’t show through.

More importantly, using a lining paper means that there is a reduced chance of your wallpaper shrinking as it dries which could leave you with gaps where you thought you had joined the paper perfectly. In addition to this, you’ll find that your decorative wallpaper is much more durable when it has this base so the decor will last much longer. If you want a professional finish then using a lining paper is an absolute must. 

Recent Article: How Do I Prep A Wall For Wallpaper


Lining paper is essential when it comes to painting or wallpapering a wall. This base layer allows you to create a smooth surface so that the final result has no imperfections or bumps. While most people would hang decorative wallpaper vertically, this rule doesn’t apply when hanging lining paper. 

In this case, you’ll need to hang the paper horizontally to avoid any joins or seams showing up once the top paper is applied. Moreover, it will prevent the lining paper and the wallpaper from being on the same joint which can cause the paper to lift.  That said, if you plan on painting the wall, it really doesn’t matter and you are free to hang the lining paper in whichever direction you please. 

Do keep in mind that before applying any product on top of your lining paper, you must give it adequate time to dry. If you don’t then there is a risk of the paper coming away from the wall. 


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