Do You Need A License For A Garden Sprinkler

Watering your garden is essential if you want anything to grow in it. Yes you can use things like a watering can or hose pipe but life is much easier when you install a garden sprinkler. The problem is that a lot of people are unsure as to the rules surrounding garden sprinklers. If you have ever asked yourself do you need a licence for a garden sprinkler then you’re in the right place.

Whether or not you need a licence for a garden sprinkler largely depends on your location. In the UK, if you have a double check valve, you can run certain types of sprinkler without a licence. If you require trickle irrigation, the laws on this have changed in recent years. 

In other parts of the world, the laws are different again. For example, in the United States, rules change by state so you would need to check with your local authority as to what you are and aren’t allowed to do. 

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know to ensure you are using your sprinkler system within the confines of the law. 

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Using A Water Sprinkler In The United Kingdom

It is easy to fall into the trap of believing that you are free to use any kind of watering system in your garden. After all, you’re working on your own property. However, what a lot of homeowners don’t realise is that there are laws that you must adhere to when using any kind of irrigation system with your outdoor tap. That includes a garden sprinkler. 

Back in 1999, the British parliament passed an act known as the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations. This act was made in place of the old bylaws for water in both Wales and England.

In domestic properties, you may not need a licence for certain types of sprinklers. If you’re going to have a more advanced system put in place then you may need to check other things, which we will look at later. However, if you are looking to install a border sprinkler system then usually, having a double check valve is enough. That said, your sprinkler system must be at least 150mm above ground level for this to be legal. 

Double check valves are required in domestic settings on what the regulations refer to as ‘hose unions’. This simply means your outside tap. Using a double check valve serves as a way of ensuring that water as well as any contaminants within it do not flow from the garden back into the mains supply.

But it doesn’t end there. If you are going to install a drip system for things like hanging baskets or plant borders, you will need a DV valve as well as the double check valve. Your DB valve serves as reinforcement to the double check and is typically fitted at a higher point than your highest dripper. Though it does need a timer as these valves struggle when exposed to high pressure, like that of mains water, for too long. 

Trickle Irrigation – The New Laws

In some cases, a licence is required for certain types of irrigation system. This section largely applies to commercial properties such as agriculture and horticulture. However, some domestic properties may also require larger, more complex systems.

Known as trickle irrigation or drip irrigation, these systems are designed to save water in the long run. They deliver water slowly to the roots of the plant from either a system below the surface or a ‘sprinkler’ from above. These are complex systems that require pipes, valves and other pieces of equipment along with professional installation.

Many commercial properties would have obtained a licence for abstracted water but some were exempt. However, the law changed back in 2018 and even those who were previously exempt may now need to apply for a licence. 

Typically speaking, this licence will cost around £135. However, you should keep in mind that there is also an annual fee attached to your licence which will differ depending on how much water you are licensed to abstract.

If you are in any way unsure of whether you need to apply for a licence, then we would recommend checking on the website before proceeding. 

Using A Water Sprinkler In The United States

The laws in the United States are rather different to those in the UK. If a sprinkler system is to be installed indoors, this always requires a licence. However, when it comes to installing garden sprinklers, there are different laws according to where you live. You may require a licence and certain city governments may ask you to meet certain regulations before you are allowed you go ahead with your sprinkler system. 

The only way to find out for sure is to contact your local authority for more information. The problem is that things can get quite confusing. You see, in LA, you can install a system without a permit, but the valves do require a permit. Look at state laws and you will  see that when it comes to making repairs on your sprinkler system, you probably won’t need a permit.

It is safe to say that most states including Louisiana, North Carolina, Illinois, Rhode Island, Connecticut and new Jersey expect residents to hire a contractor or licenced professional to install a landscape irrigation system. But Texas has taken things one step further. 

In 2011, Texas signed a law that states installing any type of irrigation system on your property without the appropriate licence is punishable by law. It is a class C misdemeanour so it is definitely worth following protocol when installing garden sprinklers in this state.

Water Restrictions In The United Kingdom

If you have followed all the relevant rules and regulations related to garden sprinklers in the UK, you should be OK to go ahead and operate your system without any worries. However, from time to time you may find yourself in the middle of a hosepipe pan. This is the common term for water restrictions placed on customers when there is a potential shortage of water. 

More often than not, these restrictions are in relation to watering your garden. The rules for each ban may vary but in most cases will state that you cannot use a garden sprinkler or hose pipe for a set number of days. If you are a commercial user then these bans don’t typically apply as there is a risk of loss of earnings.

In the UK, it is a criminal offence to ignore the rules of a water restriction and you could get a fine of up to £1000. In days gone by, there were limitations on how the government could dictate the use of water and it was really only garden watering as washing cars that was covered by these bans. But with ever changing laws, there are now many more things that are covered by these bans. 

Water Restrictions In Australia

It is not only the United Kingdom that puts bans in place when it comes to water usage. In countries like Australia, there are regular problems with drought so it comes as no surprise that water bans are common.

Once again, these bans will likely include garden sprinklers as well as hose pipe and other outdoor water use. If you are caught using water outside of the restrictions then you could incur a fine and in some areas, your water supply may even be cut as a punishment. 

In Australia, you can usually install a garden irrigation system yourself but there are some things that have to be done by a licensed professional. This includes the master valve, the mainline and any pumping. 


If you want a lush, green, beautiful garden then you need to stay on top of watering it. Fortunately, in the UK, we get a lot of rain but in summer, you may need to give your garden a helping hand. Having a garden sprinkler is a great way to keep your garden healthy without having to stand there and use a hose. 

However, there are some restrictions on installing certain types of sprinklers and how you can use them. For most domestic users, buying the right kinds of valves will ensure that you stay within the law. However, for commercial settings, a licence may need needed for all types of water sprinkler and irrigation systems if you are abstracting water.

Laws vary around the world so it is always best to check with your local authority to make sure you are doing everything legally.

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