Is A Sprinkler Fitter A Good Job

If you are looking to get into some kind of plumbing work then you might have considered becoming a sprinkler fitter. This profession requires quite a lot including a knowledge of plumbing, attention to detail and usually, a form of transport. But one of the main questions that people want an answer to is whether a sprinkler fitter is a good job. 

Being a sprinkler fitter in the UK means that you could earn up to £37,000 a year. Sprinkler fitters have interesting jobs that require knowledge of both fire safety and plumbing so it’s a great choice if you want to use several skills. 

But there’s a lot more to understand about being a sprinkler fitter if you want to get into this line of work. In this guide, we will be giving you all the information you’ll need to know including salary, working hours, what you’ll do and so much more. 

What Is A Sprinkler Fitter?

A sprinkler fitter is someone who works within the plumbing trade. They are employed to fit, repair and check sprinkler systems used in commercial and domestic buildings for fire safety. One of the key things that a sprinkler fitter should be passionate about is the prevention of fires. 

Sprinkler fitters can be self employed but it is more common for them to work under a larger plumbing company. The way that you work will be largely down to your personal preference. You may find yourself working in a variety of different settings including factories, commercial buildings, housing developments and many more. 

What Does A Sprinkler Fitter Do Every Day?

The main job of a sprinkler fitter is to install fire sprinkler systems in a building. Normally, this would be a commercial building as these types of systems are less common in residential buildings, although they are sometimes installed. 

You will also be responsible for testing these sprinkler systems to check that they are in full working order. Your job will involve making sure that any amendments and repairs are carried out according to your findings. You’ll need to be able to determine whether a system could pass a fire inspection and know how to use tools like saws, drills and wrenches for the installation and repair of each system.

There are many different tasks that you will be required to carry out each day, depending on the type of work you are doing. You will need to cut and thread pipes as well as assembling pipe systems and ensuring all sections are fully bonded and secure. Owing to this, you may also work as a pipe fitter or perform pipe repair especially since there may not be a constant call for sprinkler installation. This means that you will have multiple responsibilities depending on what you’re doing that day. 

What Skills Do You Need To Be A Sprinkler Fitter?

Being a sprinkler fitter is not a job that should be undertaken lightly. There are some qualities that the best sprinkler fitters display and these will determine how easy you find this type of work. 

For starters, you will need to have excellent attention to detail. This is because you’ll be working to specific instructions and a blueprint for each installation. When you are cutting up pipes, the little details really do matter so it’s important you can stick to the plans to the letter.

Moreover, you will need to be physically fit as this can be quite demanding work. You will need to lift and carry several heavy materials, but don’t forget that good lifting techniques are a must to keep your back in good condition. Additionally, you will find that you are standing for long periods which can be challenging if your fitness levels aren’t at their best. You’ll also need excellent dexterity. 

A good sprinkler fitter knows how to communicate with others. Since you will be working on projects with a lot of other tradespeople, you’ll need to tie in with what they’re doing so that everything comes together as planned. 

You may find that there are times when your problem solving abilities come into play. If things aren’t going to plan or you need to improvise, you will have to be able to come up with ways of managing this that effectively solve the problem. You will need to be able to think logically and calming, finding the best solution. 

How Do You Become A Sprinkler Fitter?

The good news is that there are a few ways you can become a sprinkler fitter. If you are looking to take on other similar roles as well as sprinkler fitting, then you might follow the pathway to becoming a pipe fitter. 

The easiest way to do this is through an apprenticeship. This is great because it allows you to learn while also earning some money. It’s important to note that an apprentice wage is not as high as a fully qualified person but it does help to pay the bills as you train. 

Some people prefer to do a college course and there are several that might interest you. You will need to do at least a level two but that could be in any of the following subjects:

  • Plumbing and heating
  • Welding
  • Engineering

It is also possible to get into this role by completing a level 3 course in Building Services Engineering or a T Level in the same subject. 

Finally, it is also possible to become a sprinkler fitter by working towards the job role. You may start off as an assistant on site, gathering knowledge and working your way up. This is great if you want to earn money while you train and is also an excellent option for people who find that hands-on training helps them to learn more effectively. 

How Much Does A Sprinkler Fitter Earn?

In the UK, sprinkler fitters do stand to earn a good wage. Even a newly qualified sprinkler fitter may start off on around £29,000 per year. However, this does vary immensely across the country and there are other factors that will determine how much you can realistically earn. 

The average UK wage for a sprinkler fitter currently sits at around £37,000. There are some people that are earning in excess of £46,000 per year. But these are usually the most advanced and experienced sprinkler fitters. This works out at an average of around £19 an hour. 

If you are thinking about becoming a sprinkler fitter, then you shouldn’t let the potential of a good income be your main drive. As we have discussed, it’s important to have the right skills and a passion for what you do in this job. 

Moreover, you must ensure that the working hours suit your lifestyle. Sprinkler fitters in the UK can usually expect to work up to 48 hours a week. In any case, you will almost certainly work more than the average 40 hours per week so this is something to consider. Your typical working hours will be between 8am and 6pm each day so the days are also quite long. 

Another thing to consider is that a lot of sprinkler and pipe fitters are required to work away from home. This is one of the reasons that the salary is so good but might mean that the job isn’t suitable for people who have commitments at home such as children. 


Is a sprinkler fitter a good job? If you are looking for something with an above average salary then this is definitely a job to consider. The average wage of a sprinkler fitter in the UK is around £37,000 which is higher than the national average. 

However, there are other things to consider such as the type of education you’ll undertake in order to get into the job. You’ll also need to consider whether you can commit to the long working hours which sometimes involve being away from home. 

For people who enjoy problem solving, having a passion for fire safety and enjoy working with other people, a sprinkler fitter is a job worth thinking about.

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